Restart your computer once the factory reset is complete.From here, follow the instructions on the screen till you complete the reset. Select the option "Dell DataSafe Reduction and Emergency Backup" from the tab "System Recovery Option".For the "Password" box, do not input anything since you have removed the password initially. Select your administrator account under "User name".Choose an input method for your keyboard, then click "Next".In this section, choose to "Repair your Computer" The second you see the Dell logo appear, begin to press F8 non-stop until you are taken to "Advanced Boot Options". Now, follow the steps below to do a factory reset: Using another computer, you can access, make a CD remove the password. The first thing is to remove the administrator password. So you want to reset your Windows 7/Vista Dell laptop without an administrator password right? This is achievable How to Reset Windows 7/Vista Dell Laptop Without Administrator Password How to Recover Lost Data After Resetting Dell Laptop.

How to Reset a Dell Laptop That Uses Windows XP Without a Login Password.How to Reset Windows 8/8.1/10 Dell Laptop Without Administrator Password.How to Reset Windows 7/Vista Dell Laptop Without Administrator Password.